Discussion Forums  >  Maps, Device Location, Tracking

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Code is Art
Posts: 153
Reg: Jan 26, 2012
05/26/12 07:50 PM (11 years ago)

Google Places API integration with Google Maps Plugin

Here is the code i created to convert google places api to buzztouch map compatible json.I know they provide json feed but i found converting xml easier for buzztouch. Thought this might be of great use for all. Just put in your api key and upload it to your server. Point the Data Url to this page with the variables and enjoy.. Hope you all like it. <?php header('Content-type: application/json'); $file= file_get_contents("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/search/xml?" . "location=" . $_GET['location'] . "&radius=" . $_GET['radius'] . "&types=" . $_GET['types'] . "&sensor=false&key=yourkeyhere"); $file=str_replace('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>','',$file); $file=str_replace('<result>','{ "itemType":"BT_mapLocation", ',$file); $file=str_replace('</result>',' "loadScreenWithItemId":"showDirections" },',$file); $file=str_replace('<lat>','"latitude":"',$file); $file=str_replace('</lat>','",',$file); $file=str_replace('<id>','"itemId":"',$file); $file=str_replace('</id>','",',$file); $file=preg_replace('|<type>(.*?)</type>|is','',$file); $file=preg_replace('|<reference>(.*?)</reference>|is','',$file); $file=preg_replace('|<icon>(.*?)</icon>|is','',$file); $file=preg_replace('|<html_attribution>(.*?)</html_attribution>|is','',$file); $file=preg_replace('|<status>(.*?)</status>|is','',$file); $file=str_replace('<lng>','"longitude":"',$file); $file=str_replace('</lng>','",',$file); $file=str_replace('<name>','"title":"',$file); $file=str_replace('</name>','",',$file); $file=str_replace('<vicinity>','"subTitle":"',$file); $file=str_replace('</vicinity>','",',$file); $file=str_replace('<location>','',$file); $file=str_replace('</location>','',$file); $file=str_replace('<geometry>','',$file); $file=str_replace('</geometry>','',$file); $file=str_replace('<PlaceSearchResponse>','',$file); $file=str_replace('</PlaceSearchResponse','',$file); $file=str_replace('>','',$file); echo '{ "childItems":['; echo $file; echo ' ] }'; ?>
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
location unknow...
05/26/12 08:04 PM (11 years ago)
Nice, i’ll add a link to my Buzztouch & Google Maps article pointing to this thread. Fred

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