Discussion Forums  >  Capturing Images, Uploading Data

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Lost but trying
Posts: 1
Reg: Jan 27, 2012
location unknow...
05/20/12 01:47 AM (11 years ago)

Image to text to changed font??

Trying to keep this simple as I have only ever created ONE app and it was entirely content driven so this may provide a significant challenge to me! I would like to take a picture of TEXT in an image using iPhone camera Convert that photo to editable text as I would like to convert and display it in a particular font Basically user takes picture within app, App displays all text within that picture as a particular font. IS this doable? Can anyone shed some light for me....apologies if the only way to do this is a. very simple, I'm just to thick to know b. very complex and only achievable by witchcraft! Thanks in advance!
Code is Art
Posts: 19
Reg: Dec 31, 2011
Silicon Valley
05/20/12 04:20 AM (11 years ago)
It needs some imaging processing/pattern recognition algorithms behind, which should be available and doable. But usually, the fact is the more simpler the app for users, the complicated to make it, vice versa.
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
location unknow...
05/20/12 08:19 AM (11 years ago)
Yes should be a.

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