Discussion Forums  >  Capturing Images, Uploading Data

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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 719
Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Sydney, Austral...
03/10/12 09:55 PM (12 years ago)

BTM Header Image: Android Large Devices

Hi Guys, Thanks to Paul who helped me fix up the code of the BTM Advanced Menu to work with Android. It is working great (apart from the descriptions and icons) on "small" android devices (with normal sized screens), however, with anything about the size of approx 4 inches, it doesn't. I have specified "large device" images and sizes in the BT server menu, however, none of the header images show. Only the splash screen, and a blank screen with a background image show. Does anyone know how this can be resolved? I'm stumped! @Paul, if you post here, I'll like your post, just as a small way of saying thanks for helping me out.
Paul Rogers
Android Fan
Posts: 2524
Reg: May 30, 2011
03/11/12 05:39 AM (12 years ago)
Ahhhh I'll lose my powers if you reveal my real name! As I said a number of times, the xml files are all skewed. I don't know how they're supposed to be laid out. If they could be laid out correctly, I bet your remaining problems would disappear. For example, header images appear correctly on non menusimpleadvanced screens, so if it was me I'd copy across the header layout xml from one of the good layouts into the menusimpleadvanced layout and see what happens. Icon and description layout xml's need to be moved around and correct settings applied to get the menu list looking right. (Remember, I said that I just had to insert 'some' xml to remove the java errors, not knowing what the xml settings should be - padding, relative layout vs linear layout, offsets, header image path etc etc). I'd imagine that the third party mods who made the plugin should have the correct xml layouts.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 719
Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Sydney, Austral...
03/11/12 12:22 PM (12 years ago)
Well, hats off to you for helping me make it look passable. I've just disabled the icon and description code for know. Cheers.

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