Discussion Forums  >  Maps, Device Location, Tracking

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Lost but trying
Posts: 139
Reg: Jun 22, 2013
10/03/16 04:46 PM (8 years ago)

Nothing to do with Buzztouch, just need javascript help

Nothing to do with Buzztouch, just need javascript help, if you can solve this problem for me thanks. I've asked a question on stackoverflow, this is the link. http://stackoverflow.com/q/39836604/6155959
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
10/03/16 06:10 PM (8 years ago)
The general consensus seems to be that you want to 'resize' or 'redraw' the map upon tab click... you must do 'something' to wake up the map, so to speak. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10762984/leaflet-map-not-displayed-properly-inside-tabbed-panel I use leaflet.js for my html maps; you can use Google maps, but you're not 'tied' to google maps. I 'prefer' Open Street Map, myself. Hope this leads to a solution! Cheers! -- Smug
Lost but trying
Posts: 139
Reg: Jun 22, 2013
10/03/16 11:13 PM (8 years ago)
Yes, i also found out that it's a resize problem, because if i take them out of the tabs they all work, and in many answers i found that i need to add use the : google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize'); but i don't know where to put it, i've tried but as i don't know java i couldn't come out with a solution, even if i've read most if not all similar problems.

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