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Mike the App Guy
Lost but trying
Posts: 435
Reg: Sep 19, 2011
Birmingham, Ala...
09/04/14 06:46 PM (9 years ago)

What to do about monetizing and how hard is it to integrate?

There are a lot of exciting new advertising networks partnering with buzztouch, which is a great thing. But, I'm a little overwhelmed with all the options! I build mainly for iOS but I also do some android apps. With iOS you have the simple, clean iads capability, but I don't know if the earning potential is the same as the more intrusive interstitial ads that some networks offer. So, what are your thoughts on all the ad networks? What is working now? And, for me at least, it's been a pain to integrate things like RevMob. So, has it gotten easier to integrate these new networks since the SDK can be a part of your source code download??
Aspiring developer
Posts: 47
Reg: Nov 16, 2013
Lubbock, TX
09/07/14 07:00 AM (9 years ago)
Hi Mike - Since no one replied, I thought I'd drop in for a sec... David VanB and his lovely wife Sam did a great presentation in San Diego earlier in the year on this subject. They use Google AdSense exclusively, just importing the HTML coding into their text pages, top, middle and bottom, and have had oodles of success using that method. Wanted to share. Blue skies, Wanda
Mike the App Guy
Lost but trying
Posts: 435
Reg: Sep 19, 2011
Birmingham, Ala...
09/07/14 07:00 PM (9 years ago)
That's a cool idea, Wanda, and very simple! Basically, throughout your app, and not too intrusively, you just add Adsense code on HTML pages? Not Admob? Do you have any apps that I could see that have done this? I guess it seems less invasive than the pop up ads, and it gets good revenue??
Aspiring developer
Posts: 47
Reg: Nov 16, 2013
Lubbock, TX
09/07/14 07:17 PM (9 years ago)
The app they featured is the one that they've gotten the most revenue from is "Be Vegan". The ads ARE fairly prominent, but they are relevant to the material (health based). David and his wife - at that point - had around 100 apps on the market, and had over $100,000 annual income using Google AdSense in this manner, sprinkling it through text-based informational apps. Their apps were based on things they had experience in - she had been a nursing student, so she had some nursing course apps. They had camping and survival apps, all kinds of different things. They would contact websites with similar content, and ask for reciprocal links - they'd give a mention in their app in exchange for mention of their app in the website. Or ask if they could write an article about their app, or do a press release about their app in the weblog. For a couple of kids, they have a very successful business model!

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