Aspiring developer
Posts: 57
Reg: Feb 21, 2012
01/05/17 01:31 AM (7 years ago)

BT4.0 IOS issues with tabs

Hi, I've been having some issues with tabbed apps with the new code. To start with the screen had the project error screen on opening. I first thought it was a plugin issue but then started playing around with the database.m file and got it to work. I changed the getBTItemsWithQuery method - it had if(itemRows.count==1)... I changed that to a for statement for the file to process all rows. It then displayed the first tab screen as expected. However, when I changed the tab configuration on the server, the app did not update the tabs to reflect this. What I mean by this, is that I went from 3 tabs to 2 tabs and when I refreshed my app the 3 tabs were still there. Also, if I got rid of all my original tabs and then added some new ones, all tabs od and new appeared. On looking further, I saw that when the app data is updated from the server, it simply adds new items or changes existing ones to the database. In the case of tabs, some items need to be removed. The database isn't updated to reflect this. I implemented a change in my app to test this and found that if I deleted all 'tab' item types and the added new 'tab' item types from the downloaded jsonfile, I got the correct result. Is anyone else having issues with tabs or did I just miss something?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
01/05/17 04:36 AM (7 years ago)
I haven't myself, but Alan Mac mentioned it in this post: Check his solution; maybe it will work for you. Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
01/05/17 10:21 AM (7 years ago)
My issue with tabs was about getting a plugin to compile, I don't think it will help in this case I'm afraid. However, I have noticed that app refresh seems to be a bit wonky, which I think you may be experiencing. In my case, I find I need to close the app, remove from memory and then it updates. Sometimes. Hopefully a BT core thing that is on the list of things to be sorted. Cheers, Alan
Aspiring developer
Posts: 57
Reg: Feb 21, 2012
01/05/17 05:33 PM (7 years ago)
Hi guys, thanks for your input. Yes, Alan I'm pretty sure it's a core thing. I had made all the plugin changes that used tabs, slightly differently to your fix, but it works just as well. My issue was a little deeper than the plugins not working. I have made some changes to the BT_database.m file which have got my app working but it looks like there could be further tweaks required, such as the tab label which is currently displaying only the the first tab label for all tabs. The other change I had to put in to make the app display any screen, not just the tabs, was the getBTItemsWithQuery method. Without the change the app just showed the 'plugin not found' error screen. Have you been able to make the app run without doing this change? Liz
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
01/06/17 02:35 AM (7 years ago)
I am experimenting with building a BT 4 test app (called testapp) for IOS (not self hosted). I logged my findings so far here : Highlights are, if I start an app project from scratch, using nothing but the plugins included in the Core by David Book, I can get an app to build and run. Setting any type of background colour for screens, buttons, navbars etc for anything via the control panel does not seem to work. Additionally, App Refresh does not appear to work unless I close the app, delete from the list of apps in memory, then re-open it and html references only work if they are https. And ALL plugins need to be tweaked before they compile. And there is probably more. Cheers, Alan

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