Veteran developer
Posts: 183
Reg: May 19, 2011
09/09/16 01:49 PM (7 years ago)

Duplicate key 'itemId' Error

Has anyone ever had this error? Duplicate key 'itemId' Error }, { "itemId": "68BFE5591F42BDCC8F05CCF", "itemType": "BT_screen_customURL", "itemNickname": "Junior Tennis Programs", "itemId": "68BFE5591F42BDCC8F05CCF", "itemType": "BT_screen_customURL", It is pretty wide spread within an app that I just now noticed. It causes the app to have an invalid json and won't let the app load. Any ideas on to correct?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
09/09/16 03:43 PM (7 years ago)
It'll bark in jsonlint, but any app should ignore it. it 'is' valid json, but holds duplicate key/value pairs. Regardless, it's being done 'in the back end' which means we have no control over it. It's a David thing. Cheers! -- Smug

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