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PCGS Teacher
I hate code!
Posts: 2
Reg: Jan 18, 2012
01/19/12 01:36 PM (12 years ago)

Where is Eclipse at?

Hi There, I am trying to create an app for our school and I am incredibly confused on how to get the thing configured for actual use! When I download the Android option from buzztouch, I get a folder with a bunch of other folders in it. None of those folders are named Eclipse...where is it or how do I get it? I am not a programming person whatsoever and am struggling. Thank you so much for all of your help.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
01/19/12 01:56 PM (12 years ago)
Hi, Welcome to Buzztouch! Check these docs out...they should get you on your way: http://www.buzztouch.com/resources/Things_You_Need_Before_You_Start_Developing_Apps_v1.0.pdf http://www.buzztouch.com/resources/Setting_Up_Your_Android_Development_Environment_v1.2.pdf Let us know if you have any questions...lots of people here eager to help! Thanks, Mark
PCGS Teacher
I hate code!
Posts: 2
Reg: Jan 18, 2012
01/19/12 02:43 PM (12 years ago)
The setting up your android environment document looks extremely helpful-is there one that leads you through step by step, with screenshots, for Mac instead of windows?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
01/19/12 02:48 PM (12 years ago)
Hi, Not really...I haven't written that one up yet. It's essentially the same. You download both Eclipse and Android SDK, and unzip them somewhere. No need to install Java because it's already there with Mac. Then all the remaining instructions should basically work. Give it a go, and let me know if you have issues. I have it running on both Mac and Windows. Mark

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