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Aspiring developer
Posts: 109
Reg: Feb 25, 2013
Fleet, UK
08/24/20 01:16 PM (4 years ago)


Hi, All those years ago when apple removed iAds I never did anything about it, does anyone use or have recommendations for a company they use for ads in an iPhone app? Also is it difficult to include these third party ad companies into a buzztouch made app?
Code is Art
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Reg: Dec 15, 2010
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09/04/20 09:21 PM (4 years ago)
Hi Gledy! Several years back I used Google's AdMob to serve ads in my application and they do have an iOS SDK (https://developers.google.com/admob/ios/quick-start) with many options for different types of ads (ie, banner, interstitial, native, rewarded, etc). It probably shouldn't be too difficult to implement in your iOS app... I found a forum thread from a couple years back that detailed an example walk through of adding banner ads to a Buzztouch iPhone app: https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=B533B9AE10D8EA7BD41CEC5 Hopefully this helps! Feel free to post if you have any questions!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 109
Reg: Feb 25, 2013
Fleet, UK
09/07/20 08:34 AM (4 years ago)
Thanks Cakebit, AdMob was who I was looking at. I'll let you know how I get on.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 109
Reg: Feb 25, 2013
Fleet, UK
09/24/20 10:12 AM (4 years ago)
Hi Cakebit, I've tried a few things and i'm stuck. The forum link you suggested, the way in which that code was used was 8 years ago, as far as I can tell nothing adds up with how BT4 is set out. A newer forum post: https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=92FFB23688EDF67B0C51ECE this also doesn't work. The AdMob website (https://developers.google.com/admob/ios/quick-start I've followed the instructions on how to implement, I end up getting more errors and haven't got the simulator to work once with the code provided from AdMob. I either manage to get the AdMob code to have no errors and the BT viewDidLoad method littered with errors, or the other way around. If you can help me in any way that would be great!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 109
Reg: Feb 25, 2013
Fleet, UK
10/15/20 05:58 AM (4 years ago)
No idea why that posted three times above. So I've gone over this multiple times and I've worked out to just not bother as its more hassle than it's worth. Anything I've found in the forums is outdated with the current code (bt4) and the sample code google gives you on the admob website just throws up errors with the rest of the Buzztouch code. If anyone in the future has an up to date step by step guide on how to implement admob banner ads into a Buzztouch project please let me know.

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