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Veteran developer
Posts: 131
Reg: Oct 19, 2013
01/06/25 03:24 AM (1 month ago)

API-Key problem on self-hosted server

Hi, I am running a version of Buzztouch on my self-hosted server. When looking into different apps I see the same error message {"result":{"status":"invalid", "errors":[{"message":"Invalid API Credentials (7)"}]}} when I want to see the JSON data of my apps. I have not updated the software on my server for a long time... so is this to be expected ;-) and will an update of the server solve the problem? Yes... I still have a subscription... Thanks in advance Thomas
Lost but trying
Posts: 137
Reg: Jan 05, 2013
South Africa
01/06/25 06:10 AM (1 month ago)
Hi Thomas I'm having exactly the same problem on my self host server as of today and like you also haven't updated anything on either self host or app linked to it for a long time. I hope there's an easy fix for this. Sherry
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
In your local b...
01/06/25 05:16 PM (1 month ago)
Hi There! Most likely the API key for your individual app has expired. To update the expiration date, go to Admin > Manage Data Access. Select the API key for the application which has expired. (It is the same ID as the Control Panel Id found under [Your App Name] > Core > Application Id, Control Panel Id / Password) Click the ID, then choose Update Details and set the expiration date to a future date (instead of 01/01/2025 or whenever it expired) Click submit to save. :) (Note: I'll put together some change or patch to update the expiration date so you can apply it to new apps created in your Self Hosted instance)
Lost but trying
Posts: 137
Reg: Jan 05, 2013
South Africa
01/06/25 11:30 PM (1 month ago)
Hi Cakebit Thank you VERY VERY much for this fix. It has solved my problem and fixed my app. Sherry
Veteran developer
Posts: 131
Reg: Oct 19, 2013
01/07/25 12:55 AM (1 month ago)
Hi Cakebit, thank you very much. That fixed the problem in one minute! Great! When thinking about it, it is pretty clear that those API keys need some form of expiration. But it was the first time I looked into these details. BTW I saw that my major app for a client has >150000 requests so far, not a bad thing ;-)... which brings me back to my problems to keep my Android code up to date. For other client projects I use the Flutter framework that allows me to create iOS / Android apps from the same code base. It would be great if I could use the massively flexible Buzztouch backend for such projects as well... but that might be discussed in another thread of this forum... or even 1:1 as it may be a pretty specific situation. Anyway... thanks again for your great help, Cakebit! Best wishes Thomas

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