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Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Apr 24, 2013
White house
08/23/13 12:19 PM (11 years ago)

My First App, My First Rejection

Alas i am not a programer. I need help figuring out what these thing need me to change. My app is a simple one that uses a tabbed interface with two pages. Both pages run an RSS feed reader. One grabs the itunes rss feed for my church's podcast. The other pulls the feed from a webpage i made that will put our calendar into an rss feed. All of it is set up but i was rejected. - Did not integrate with iOS features. - Did not include iOS features. For example, it would be appropriate to use native iOS buttons and iOS features other than just web views. Does anyone know of some easy ways i can get these things taken care of so my app will be approved? Again i am not very good at this but am willing to learn. On another note i would like to make some other page that lists some contact info and maybe a link to launch the mail program to send an email. Any tips or tutorials on the best way to do this.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 315
Reg: Sep 10, 2011
08/23/13 12:39 PM (11 years ago)
Hello timrwest, You may want to consider becoming a member, taking a few of the BTU classes, read about the plugins that are available (contact - email - list menus are all in there) and then wade in to the iOS pool. A rejection from Apple is not uncommon. The gate keepers are unpredictable. Good luck, Mike
Aspiring developer
Posts: 372
Reg: Feb 15, 2012
08/23/13 12:51 PM (11 years ago)
Hey there, From my point of view, it just seems like your app may be "overly simplistic". You have two tabs using an RSS feed reader. This is fine, but there are no other features. I would definitely recommend adding a contact page. You could throw in different plugins ranging from AT53 Tweet Sheet (Twitter Page) to the App Rater, to different ways of sharing your app through email, SMS/Text, etc. You could possibly throw in a Quiz, maybe a map or two, a seach menu, etc. My first app was rejected 8-9 times before it was finally accepted. Of course, stay true to the purpose of your app and don't just add functions for the sake of adding functions as Apple will simply see that as clutter anyways. See what else you can integrate because RSS feeds are nice, but just like Apple said, they are just web feeds. Good luck and just keep at it - play around with the plugins and see what works best. -Nicholas
Aspiring developer
Posts: 342
Reg: Dec 08, 2012
Sarasota, FL
08/23/13 01:01 PM (11 years ago)
Hi @timrwest, It's not a rejection, it's a rite of passage! The advice here is right on. The more you can do to use the features of the device (find us map, text us, email us, etc.) the more likely you will be approved. Ensuring your graphics are high resolution and look good doesn't hurt either. Goo luck, and we look forward to hearing about your approval in the future! Best, William
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
08/23/13 03:15 PM (11 years ago)
'Rite of Passage' is hilarious. It's also fairly accurate. Don't be discouraged. You're not the only one ;) Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 247
Reg: Oct 23, 2010
Southern Califo...
08/24/13 12:00 AM (11 years ago)
Don't worry. Apple rejected my app eight times before I finally got an app on the app store. One of my app's got rejected six times, then I realized I wanted to go in a different direction. Now my first app that is published got rejected two times because of a certain screen and the app name. It can be frustrating, but keep your head up. I recommend the menu image plugin. Apple is very picky about having a nice UI. If it keeps getting rejected keep adding some bt plugins. I recommend the MacImage Gallery and adding Scringo to your app. Scringo makes any app more versatile. Think about adding a quiz. The contact screen is a free plugin and very easy to set up. Here's my app link if you want to check out some of the plugins I suggested: ayball.com/app Thanks, Adam

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