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Aspiring developer
Posts: 24
Reg: May 10, 2013
07/08/13 10:40 AM (11 years ago)

Be careful with your Apple ID when creating a Dev Account

Today I learned that Apple makes things very difficult for developers. This is what happens About a month ago I submitted an iBook to iTunes. In the process I had to create an iTunes connect account. Everything went fine and my book is now available in iTunes. Two weeks ago, I signed up for the Developer Account. During the registration it asked me if I wanted to use an Apple ID, or create a new one. Since I already had everything set up for my iTunes connect, I used the same Apple ID. Today, when I went to validate my App before submitting it I get an error message telling me that I am not a valid user of iTunes Connect. I called Apple and basically what they told me that I need to use an Apple ID for iBooks Author and a different one for the Developer Account. The only way to resolve the issue is to cancel my Developer Account and establish a new one with a new Apple ID. The tech support guy even said that a lot of people go through the same problem, but funny enough they haven't change the settings on the developer enrollment form to detect that the Apple ID is already being used for an iBook author account, nor they have any warning on the website. Long story short, now I have to wait like a week to get my refund, and go through the whole enrollment process again. Plus I have to generate new certificates for my App. It sucks.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 342
Reg: Dec 08, 2012
Sarasota, FL
07/08/13 11:59 AM (11 years ago)
This exact thing happened to me! That's why I'm developing under KozmoWeb, a old domain I registered and never used. Strangely, for me at least, it now seems appropriate as this is my sole persona for iOS development. I don't use it for anything else! (And after all that I never even made any iBooks.)
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1008
Reg: Jan 27, 2012
07/08/13 12:26 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks for the heads up! Farcat
Code is Art
Posts: 221
Reg: Mar 06, 2012
07/08/13 04:09 PM (11 years ago)
Good to know! Thanks, -Pancho
Aspiring developer
Posts: 337
Reg: Jan 23, 2013
Park City
08/06/13 12:04 PM (11 years ago)
Yeah, I created a "test profile" for the purpose of testing Easy InApp purchase screen and the new profile info is jacking with my original iTunes log in information.
Apple Fan
Posts: 1
Reg: Jul 10, 2013
08/08/13 11:28 AM (11 years ago)
I was just getting ready to sign up for a developer account and would have used my iTunes Connect account if I hadn't come across this posting. Thanks! I hope Apple is paying attention to this situation as it would be extremely frustrating to get caught in this situation.

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