Discussion Forums  >  App Store Rejections

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Apple Fan
Posts: 1
Reg: Aug 09, 2013
08/14/13 10:55 AM (11 years ago)

app rejection dont know why ,please answer....!!!

i have upload a app on itunes.my appliaction is for learning JAVA language.my app has number of html pages save in app directory.user has table view to select the desire content to read, to make it interactive i have made a quiz category this category is just like MCQ (one question four related answers). at the end of this quiz user receive score. i upload it in reference category in itune but now i received a mail from apple 2.21 Your app is primarily a book and is therefore not appropriate for the App Store, as noted in the App Store Review Guidelines. Books should be submitted to the iBookstore. To work with Apple on iBookstore distribution, first verify that your content meets the following requirements: - ISBNs are required for all paid titles you intend to distribute - Is in either: - EPUB format, passing EpubCheck 1.0.5 - Multi-Touch format, created by US ISBN Agency. Then complete the iTunes Connect Online Application. Note: An ISBN is not required if you have a free book agreement and choose to offer your book free on the iBookstore. Visit iBookstore Aggregators for information on working with the iBookstore aggregators. kindly guide me i shall me very thankful to u i m working from last 4 months . i m waiting for your reply. thanks.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
08/14/13 11:04 AM (11 years ago)
Hi @rana, Welcome to Buzztouch! This is a tough one. The addition of the quiz "should" have been enough to convince them that it's not just a book, but ultimately it depends on the reviewer. They tend to not like apps that are primarily HTML content, and it appears that if it's structured like a book, then they consider it a book. I would fight the rejection and say that the app isn't a book because it has a quiz in it. You could also ask them what they suggest you could add to make it "less like a book," and the might give you some ideas. I've heard of them doing that before. Also...you could maybe add some tutorial videos, or other things that aren't generally available in a book. Hope this helps! Mark
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1853
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
08/14/13 12:49 PM (11 years ago)
Good advice Mark.

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