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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1528
Reg: Mar 04, 2011
07/10/24 06:20 AM (7 months ago)

Hello my old friends.

Hello Buzztouch Community. It's been a while. I recently stumbled upon an old episode of my BuzzCast podcast that was somehow saved in my phone, and gave it a listen. It was the live episode from the first BuzzCon in St. Louis. Included in this live episode was an introduction of the entire "leadership team." It was so great to hear all those familiar voices again. (Especially Keith's!). Unfortunately, the podcast is no longer available online, since there were recurring costs to keep the media hosted way back then. The world of podcasting has changed a lot since then, and now there are more options of hosting your media. So if anyone ever wants to re-listen to any old episode, or interviews, let me know and I'll try to throw them all up somewhere for you to enjoy (or laugh at). But speaking of podcasts, after a long hiatus of exercising my silky-smooth vocal cords, I finally got back in the saddle, this time with my two daughters. We started podcasting as a method of keeping in touch weekly, and chatting about our favorite geeky topics (comics, video games, etc). My oldest is finished with college, and my youngest is starting her 3rd year in college (time flies!). So doing this podcast has really helped keep us connected. We've passed the 100 episode mark, and are still having fun! If you want to check it out, you can find it here: https://familygeekery.podbean.com We also started a YouTube channel, but it's mostly me talking about tech, and reviewing products, computer tutorials (I needed to scratch that itch, since I wasn't doing bi-weekly New User Webinars anymore!). You can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/familygeekery Hopefully, this didn't come off as spam-y. That wasn't the intent. I just wanted to re-connect with some old friends, and offer up some old BuzzCast memories. Looking forward to hearing from my friends! -Chris
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 393
Reg: Sep 07, 2011
West Midlands
07/18/24 07:36 AM (7 months ago)
Hi Chris, Awesome to hear from you and I'm delighted that you and yours are doing well :) Buzztouch had such a great membership and I'm incredibly grateful for what you, David and co did for me. I've found it hard to make an income from apps for a while now. I tried website development but there are SO many people doing it that I just can't find the clients. I'll find something to do with myself, though. Best wishes to you, John in the UK
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
08/04/24 02:30 PM (6 months ago)
The notification for this post just landed in my inbox 30 minutes ago. So cool to see your name Stobe. Will take a peek at the podcasts. So many happy memories. We should all do a catch up soon. Slainte! Aipple

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