Discussion Forums  >  Status Bar, Navigation Bar

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Android Fan
Posts: 191
Reg: Jul 26, 2013
11/30/13 05:17 AM (11 years ago)

Tab menu (return)

Hi I would like your help I have made a simple android aplication with tab menu (5 tabs) With each tab linked to a button meny screen If I place a rewind symbol in Top Navigation Bar of the screen that points back to the button menu (one of the tab menus) But shows me only the button menu without the tab menu how can I make to appear and the tab menu ?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2050
Reg: Nov 03, 2011
11/30/13 05:25 AM (11 years ago)
Isn't there a setting in the control panel to change whether the tab bar is visible or not. 1) Go to you button page on Buzztouch 2) There should be a drop down menu for Tab Bar visibility.
Android Fan
Posts: 191
Reg: Jul 26, 2013
11/30/13 05:47 AM (11 years ago)
No there is not such an option in my control panel.. Here is 2 pictures one of the button screen http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c316/caslor_1978/diafora/buzzA1_zps86beacba.jpg and in tab menu http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c316/caslor_1978/diafora/buzzA2_zps83180566.jpg Or there is this option to an other location ? (as i told the tab menu appears normal... the problem is when i place a return point to the navigation bar (lets say in a Html doc screen) and point the menu.. when goes back dont show the tab bar)
Android Fan
Posts: 191
Reg: Jul 26, 2013
11/30/13 10:17 AM (11 years ago)
No there is not such an option in my control panel.. Here is 2 pictures one of the button screen http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c316/caslor_1978/diafora/buzzA1_zps86beacba.jpg and in tab menu http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c316/caslor_1978/diafora/buzzA2_zps83180566.jpg Or there is this option to an other location ? (as i told the tab menu appears normal... the problem is when i place a return point to the navigation bar (lets say in a Html doc screen) and point the menu.. when goes back dont show the tab bar)

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