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Replies: 2    Views: 550

Aspiring developer
Posts: 109
Reg: Feb 25, 2013
Fleet, UK
05/02/20 08:08 AM (4 years ago)

Custom url back button

Hi guys, just going through and updating up an app. I've seen this has come up before but haven't found a fix for it, when selecting "Show browser back button" in document behaviour for the custom url plugin it doesn't show up in the bottom white bar, it is actually there, because if you press in that area it does go back, but for the user it's not ideal as they won't know its there..... Any help in this is greatly appreciated
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
In your local b...
06/11/20 04:19 AM (4 years ago)
Hello Gledy! Sorry for the delayed reply. I just pushed a fix to Buzztouch v4.0.4 (for iOS) that should resolve this issue. The icons for the back (and next!) buttons were missing from the app package download. Just visit the App Project Download page and grab a new copy of the source and the back/next buttons should appear in the lower toolbar. If you already have a project, and don't want to re-download the entire source, just copy the BT_Art folder from a new build into your existing project- and then drag the folder contents into Xcode. The images are named "next.png" and "back.png", respectively. Thanks!!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 109
Reg: Feb 25, 2013
Fleet, UK
06/22/20 10:48 AM (4 years ago)
Hi Cakebit, Thanks for the update, much appreciated.

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