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Apple Fan
Posts: 481
Reg: Dec 30, 2010
04/12/14 07:12 AM (10 years ago)

Plugin help.

I making a new plugin with some xib files. When I start my plugin so is the navigation bar visible with the refresh button. When I press a button and it will load a new viewController with a XIB file. When I press the back button so it loaded my homescreen in full screen. Navigation bar disappears. Is it anyone how knows to fix this? so it load the screen and show the Navigationbar again.
Apple Fan
Posts: 188
Reg: Dec 13, 2012
Knoxville, TN
04/12/14 01:54 PM (10 years ago)
Are u using storyboards? Why so many xib files?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
04/12/14 02:48 PM (10 years ago)
You may need to ensure the existance of your 'super' in your 'viewWillAppear' method… [super viewWillAppear:animated]; It'll include the call for 'configureNavBar', or you might try loading it locally. Cheers! -- Smug
Apple Fan
Posts: 481
Reg: Dec 30, 2010
04/12/14 09:49 PM (10 years ago)
Hi SmugWimp. I I have the [super viewWillAppear:animated]; in my home controller but it will not work. So it looks like this. in my Homecontroller so I have a button that says like this GameViewController * vcGame = [[GameViewController alloc] init];      [self gift view controller: vcGame animated: YES completion: Nil]; When you've finished the game then loads ScoreController. and when you have seen your score, I want to ScoreController go to Homecontoller If I use this on the homecontroller it comes in full screen no navigationbar. HomeController * vcHome = [[HomeController alloc] init];      [self presentViewController: vcHome animated: YES completion: Nil]; if I a use this one, the homecontroller comes whit navigationbar but it is blank no refresh button. Homecontoller *vcHome = [[Homecontroller alloc] init]; UINavigationController *navcont = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:vcHome]; [self presentModalViewController:navcont animated:YES]; //Macki

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