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Code is Art
Posts: 91
Reg: Oct 27, 2011
09/23/13 01:43 AM (10 years ago)

Statistics: How is the View Number calculated?

Hi all, In the overview panel where all your applications are listed there is a "View number" below each application. This is pretty interesting as one can see the usage of ones apps. However, can someone please explain if this number is : a) - the number of times the app has been openend? b) - the number of "pages" in the app that has been viewed? c) - something completely different :) As always, thanks in advance! Kind regards, Kristian Copenhagen, Denmark
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
09/23/13 02:44 AM (10 years ago)
It's sorta/kinda explained in these posts: http://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=3B393693455CC39526C272D&currentPage=303 http://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=7FC718ACECC6253E7EA4C22&currentPage=209 What is seems to be is, when the app 'calls home' (either through a dataURL link, or the 'reportToCloudURL' in the main config.txt file, it puts a 'usage' entry into the database using the coordinates retrieved from the app request. If you want 'page by page' statistics, you'll need to use another method. Cheers! -- Smug
Lost but trying
Posts: 1509
Reg: Dec 17, 2011
09/23/13 02:48 AM (10 years ago)
I thought the view number is the developer accessing the BT control panel and working on their app. Am I wrong to think this then?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
09/23/13 02:54 AM (10 years ago)
Oh. Don't mind me; it must be Alzheimer's setting in. For whatever reason, I was thinking usage map, which of course is totally different. I think 'that' view number is working on the app from the developer side... Cheers! -- Smug
Code is Art
Posts: 91
Reg: Oct 27, 2011
09/24/13 02:04 AM (10 years ago)
Hi, I don't think that it is the developers access that is show here alone. I made an app for a sports event that was published in June. By end of August, the View was about 5000 views and during the event that took place last week, that number rose to about 13.000. The app itself has been downloaded 550 times. I'd like to think that Smug is correct in assuming that it is the app "calling home" every time it is started, but could someone please confirm this? Thanks again! Kristian

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