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09/12/13 07:01 AM (10 years ago)

Versioning: How to save Versions in BT & Xcode

Hi there, I looked up the Advanced Search Option here but havent found a fitting entry for. So hope I havent overseen it. What I am interested in is: If i have a so-far proper working Test-App (on BT and Xcode) I would like to ensure that i dont lose this anymore :) at least as newbie So is there an option: 1) to save the actual version of the BT project? The Download Source Code is not helpful as its then already zipped and i guess out of this zip file I only gan go to Xcode but not to BT for re-storing a version?! 2) how to store the Xcode version of this project? Thanks in advance for some support!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1008
Reg: Jan 27, 2012
09/12/13 10:07 AM (10 years ago)
Hi @bubblesout, Well done on your working app! Here is how it works in a nutshell: You download the source code, you normally need to do this only once - unless you add new plugins. You unzip your file and save the folder in your computer. That folder is your app, that is where you will always go to open your app. You can rename the root folder to make it easier to file. The xcdoe project within the folder is linked to the bt panel. You make changes online and it will reflect on your project but i guess you got that already. Does that make sense? Farcat
Aspiring developer
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Reg: Aug 30, 2013
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09/12/13 12:00 PM (10 years ago)
thanks @farcat. so when i download the source code and work further on the BT panel and then make some mistakes or just went into wrong direction. is it then possible to bring the PRIOR downloaded source back to BT panel? so meaning to have somehow a versioning system in order to be able working in BT panel (changing plugings,...)?! does this make sense? or do i have to re-built the mess-uped BT part till its clean again? thx in advance
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1008
Reg: Jan 27, 2012
09/12/13 12:08 PM (10 years ago)
Kinda. You can re-download a new source code at any time you want. The only two cases you would need to do that is if you buy a new plugin and want to use it or mess up your app with custom modification on xcode. So if you make a mistake on your bt panel, no harm done and no need to re-download. Let's say you create a page on your bt panel and then decide to delete it: just delete it on your cp and your app on xcode will mirror the changes. There isn't much mess you can do on the control panel, it is just so well made. Ask away if you're not sure. Farcat
Aspiring developer
Posts: 27
Reg: Aug 30, 2013
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09/12/13 01:00 PM (10 years ago)
thanks again, got this :) really appreciate your quick help ! one dimension of the question deals as well with the issue how to copy a app on BT or Xcode. if i do an app with content A and want to use a similar functionality but with content B - how do i do best? 1) re-build the existing BT-project with the new content and change the app-name and icon? but if i then download sourcecode and open the Xcode i would have to add all the other changes (eg scringo, revmob,...)... 2) or only change in Xcode the content and graphics. but how to copy an Xcode project and rename it? 3) build it entirely from scratch. not sure if this make sense ?!

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