Pie Chart

buzztouch plugin: Pie Chart
Version: v1.2
Shows a cool, animated pie chart in your app!
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
PointerBecky | 09/23/14 (v1.1)
Beautiful plugin and great animation with user interaction. Definitely a must have.
More Information
The Pie Chart plugin allows you to display data in a pie-chart form in your app.
The pie chart is animated as it fills itself in on screen load (for iOS), as well as when
users click on a section (both iOS and Android). Clicking on a section (or pie piece) also displays
additional information about that section, such as the title, value, and a description.

Version History
1.0 - initial release
1.1 - (3/29/14) Fixed issue on iOS where colors were always random; added ability to set pie piece labels
1.2 - (6/12/22) Updated the plugin to work with newer BT Core

iOS Project (3.0+ projects only)
This project relies on the open-source project XYPieChart by Xiaoyang Feng, XYStudio.cc.
See license.txt included in plugin download. Files used by this plugin include:


Android Project (3.0+ projects only)
This project relies on the open-source project AndroidPieChart by endlessmind. No license is posted for this project as of today, 3/19/2014.
Files used by this plugin include:

"itemNickname":"pie chart",
"itemNickname":"pie chart",
"navBarTitleText":"pie chart",
"descriptionText":"Administrative costs make up a wide variety of activities at the business.",
"descriptionText":"Utilities happen regularly and cannot be avoided. They also fluctuate from month to month.",
"descriptionText":"Inventory makes up the largest share of our costs.",