Rich Text Editor

buzztouch plugin: Rich Text Editor
Version: v1.1
Full-featured, rich-text editor for your app. Users can create, edit and share documents.
works on iOS iOS
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More Information
With the Rich Text Editor, you can provide a full-featured, rich-text editor for your app. There are many options in the editor, including styles, colors, sizes and more! Users can save their documents to the disk, select a previously saved document, and even share their creations as .html documents via email.

This project relies on a modified version of the "iOS-Rich-Text-Editor" open-source project created by Aryan Gh on 5/4/13. See included license.txt file for more information. The iOS-Rich-Text-Editor project was modified by Chris Ruddell (Buzztouch) as follows:

1) Integrated with Buzztouch code to create valid plugin structure and control-panel access
2) Added support for dismiss keyboard button
3) Added support for new file button
4) Added support for saving files
5) Added support for opening files
6) Added support for sharing files

Version History
1.0 - (1/30/14) Initial release
1.1 - (1/31/14) Bug fix where font picker view slightly overlapped with status bar

iOS Project (3.0 projects only)
There are a large number of files required for this plugin. See plugin package for details.

Android Project
Currently for iOS only

This plugin currently uses the following JSON properties:

plainText : display a default message in the editor
useLastSaved: When the screen is loaded, should the plugin display the last saved document by the user, or only the default document (default will use the plainText property above)

{"itemId":"C25776F5369F04A5EC902FF","itemType":"CR_richTextEditor", "plainText":"Some sample content here for the user to see on load. This can be any message you want them to see.", "useLastSaved":"1"}