Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
05/05/16 01:19 AM (8 years ago)

Android Studio - Now with Maps in Emulators...

Just noticed today, while doing screenshots for the Android version of my 'Guam Airport Guide' app. The Maps show up in my emulators. They used to not do so, so this is a real treat. I'm not using a 'debug' key, but I am using a 'release' key. Not sure if it's the new Android Studio, or the new code from David (looks like a complete rewrite of the BT_screen_map plugin). But it's certainly welcome. In case you hadn't noticed. Cheers! -- Smug By the way... remember the eclipse keytool? Does anyone know of anything similar for Android Studio?
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
05/05/16 06:52 AM (8 years ago)
Here's a handy link, which should cover all or almost all steps for maps in Android Studio emulator: The only caveat is that they were using GenyMotion, which probably will not apply to you, but still... That page also tells how to get the SHA1 key. However, if you only want SHA1, have a look at this page: Something from that page should work for you too.

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