Discussion Forums  >  Self Hosted Control Panels

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Darren Hickie
Aspiring developer
Posts: 14
Reg: Feb 07, 2013
07/18/20 01:48 AM (4 years ago)

App not loading adn my team said it is because of buzztouch.com not having SSL

Hi, The buzztouch.com ssl certificate has expired and my team are telling me that this is why one of the apps on Google has stopped working. Is this right and can you update your SSL? Darren
Darren Hickie
Aspiring developer
Posts: 14
Reg: Feb 07, 2013
07/20/20 07:04 AM (4 years ago)
Anyone else having issues with a app on self host not working now?
Code is Art
Posts: 501
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
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07/20/20 12:50 PM (4 years ago)
Hi Darren! Our SSL certificate appears to be valid. It's expiration date is Wednesday, September 15, 2021. Are you using Buzztouch Self Hosted with a custom url? Perhaps the SSL certificate (for the domain your Buzztouch project configuration is being served from) is invalid. If you could post the error messages or if rejection error from Google that would be helpful. Thanks!
Darren Hickie
Aspiring developer
Posts: 14
Reg: Feb 07, 2013
07/21/20 01:11 AM (4 years ago)
Hi, Thanks for getting back to me. I can see th main certificate is valid and have also checked my self-hosting is also fine. The error I get from an online SSL checker shows One of the root or intermediate certificates has expired (52 days ago). https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=buzztouch.com When I load the app it says that the app's content has changed, would you like to refresh? Then I click Yes. Then it says Something's not right. There was a problem loading the app's configuration data. See the Output Console in your development tool. The only error I can see is this. javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException Thanks, Darren
Code is Art
Posts: 501
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
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07/21/20 02:27 AM (4 years ago)
Hi Darren! Great problem solving and thanks for the follow up! I'll see if I can get a test environment setup to see if I can replicate the issue. Are you testing the app on a pretty old Android device? (Like ones running Android 5.1 or lower?) The intermediate certs are a chain for compatibility with older devices that only support AddTrust External CA. They recommend upgrading devices with the patches from their manufacturers to support Comodo or USERTrust roots (rather than re-issuing those certificates). https://support.sectigo.com/Com_KnowledgeDetailPage?Id=kA03l00000117LT I'll keep digging around on this- SSLHandshakeException is the can occur due to a missing intermediate CA, so this might be causing the issue for you. Is there more information in the console? The SSLHandshakeException can happen for many common issues- it's more a general error message than a specific one. See https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl#CommonProblems for more details. --- If this is something you need urgently fixed, you can change your configuration data url and your report to cloud url to only use http. (This may require you to submit an update to the Google Play store depending on your default app configuration).
Darren Hickie
Aspiring developer
Posts: 14
Reg: Feb 07, 2013
07/21/20 03:04 AM (4 years ago)
Hi, This is urgent as this client app has stopped working. The app was created a while ago but updated recently. The mobile devices we are using are new ones. I think that the issue is with Google being much fussier than it use to be. I think the missing cert is the issue as this only started recently. Thanks for looking into fix this for me as the client is jumping up and down. Darren
Darren Hickie
Aspiring developer
Posts: 14
Reg: Feb 07, 2013
07/24/20 12:07 AM (4 years ago)
Hi, How are you getting on with the certificate fix? Thanks, Darren
Darren Hickie
Aspiring developer
Posts: 14
Reg: Feb 07, 2013
07/24/20 01:42 AM (4 years ago)
Hi, How are you getting on with the certificate fix? Thanks, Darren
Darren Hickie
Aspiring developer
Posts: 14
Reg: Feb 07, 2013
07/30/20 04:46 AM (4 years ago)
Hi, This is the exception I am getting still. 07-24 15:49:16.004 16646-16683/com.aandrtest W/ZZ: BT_downloader:downloadTextData from URL: https://www.buzztouch.com/api/app/?command=getAppData&appGuid=JA553F6280C94F61335CB2489&apiKey=334F8434A3092A0E0EFFE35&apiSecret=BA545E9669E13F08C804580 07-24 15:49:17.084 16646-16683/com.aandrtest W/ZZ: BT_downloader:downloadTextData from URL EXCEPTION: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: com.android.org.bouncycastle.jce.exception.ExtCertPathValidatorException: Could not validate certificate: Certificate expired at Sat May 30 16:18:38 GMT+05:30 2020 (compared to Fri Jul 24 15:49:17 GMT+05:30 2020) URL: https://www.buzztouch.com/api/app/?command=getAppData&appGuid=JA553F6280C94F61335CB2489&apiKey=334F8434A3092A0E0EFFE35&apiSecret=BA545E9669E13F08C804580 07-24 15:49:17.084 16646-16683/com.aandrtest W/System.err: org.json.JSONException: End of input at character 0 of 07-24 15:49:17.085 16646-16683/com.aandrtest W/System.err: at org.json.JSONTokener.syntaxError(JSONTokener.java:450) 07-24 15:49:17.085 16646-16683/com.aandrtest W/System.err: at org.json.JSONTokener.nextValue(JSONTokener.java:97) 07-24 15:49:17.085 16646-16683/com.aandrtest W/System.err: at org.json.JSONObject.<init>(JSONObject.java:156) 07-24 15:49:17.085 16646-16683/com.aandrtest W/System.err: at org.json.JSONObject.<init>(JSONObject.java:173) 07-24 15:49:17.085 16646-16683/com.aandrtest W/System.err: at com.aandrtest.core.BT_configuration.parseAppJSONData(BT_configuration.java:451) 07-24 15:49:17.085 16646-16683/com.aandrtest W/System.err: at com.aandrtest.core.BT_configuration.access$300(BT_configuration.java:72) 07-24 15:49:17.085 16646-16683/com.aandrtest W/System.err: at com.aandrtest.core.BT_configuration$3.run(BT_configuration.java:221) 07-24 15:49:17.085 16646-16683/com.aandrtest W/System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818) Please can you have a look at your certificate? I have been paying to support this project for a long time. Surely you can update the certificate so we can support older versions of Android? Darren
Code is Art
Posts: 501
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
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08/01/20 03:58 AM (4 years ago)
Thanks for the debugging logs Darren! I'm going to reach out to the SSL issuer and see what the options are regarding getting the original cert re-issued, but I don't have an ETA on when it will be live- so if your client needs this fix immediately you can do so by changing your configuration data URLs to use only http: Go into your Core Properties screen in your app control panel. Under the "Configuration Data URL" replace the https:// prefix with http:// on the url that is in that field. Under the "Report to Cloud URL" replace the https:// prefix with http:// on the url that is in that field. Re-download your source project and refresh the configuration data. It should load over http from Buzztouch.com. Depending on how your existing project is configured, you may not need to submit an update to Google Play. Once you have made the changes above, see if the app configuration data correctly updates.

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