Discussion Forums  >  Maps, Device Location, Tracking

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 175
Reg: Dec 26, 2012
Johannesburg, S...
06/02/15 03:06 AM (9 years ago)

Maps in Android: No Routes Found (Solved)!

I am using the Location Map plugin. Have used Android Studio to successfully launch the app on my Samsung device. The map loads successfully on my device with the map marker. Clicking on the "Directions" tab opens up the dialogue as to whether I want to use Maps, Chrome, Internet or Opera to complete the action. Choosing any of the options result in Google Maps screen opening with following message: "No routes Found" Any suggestions as to what the problem could be? Thanks Tyrone
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
06/02/15 06:51 AM (9 years ago)
I'm just guessing here... I started out with this whole map thing by creating Garmin® compatible maps for Garmin GPS devices. They just didn't cover Guam. So I did. Early on I learned that all streets must be digitally as well as visually connected. If they were not, sometimes I would experience the garmin barking at me saying "No Route Found", or "Cannot Reach Destination" and a couple of other frustrating messages. It usually means that something isn't right with the map. If you're not using your own map, then it may be that there is an issue with the source map, and there 'may' not be anything you can do about it. Or it may be that the 'point' that you're trying to originate the route 'from' isn't near a road. Or the destination you're trying to go 'to'. If this is the case, you might want to place it closer to a street, so that the google (or other) algorithm can detect and pick it up. Hope this helps. Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 175
Reg: Dec 26, 2012
Johannesburg, S...
06/03/15 10:28 AM (9 years ago)
Hi Smug On closer inspection I found that for some reason when I open directions in Google Maps my current location is not found. It inputs the latitude and longitude incorrectly. In my case the two are identical and Google Maps therefore cannot route to destination. The destination is shown correctly however. When I press on my location button the following message appears: "Your location cannot be determined." So it appears as if the app cannot determine my current location and therefore cannot show the route.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
06/03/15 11:00 AM (9 years ago)
oh, well there is that too, lol! These days you need to ensure that your plugin provides the user the ability to deny or allow location updates in your app... of course, without location updates enabled, a 'location based' app isn't much good, but that's really up to them. I thought David implemented that in the base code, but in case he didn't, you can follow these directions and it should clear things up a bit: http://mail.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=4175A4651369824B6743BA4&fid=06DB0BCB08E2222&sortColumn=FT.id&sortUpDown=DESC&currentPage=1 Things 'should' work with iOS7 and below, but for iOS8 it's a necessity. Also of course, make sure you have location updates enabled in the 'core' settings of your app control panel. If none of that works, take your device outside for a few minutes and let the device 'catalog' the viewable GPS Satellites available in your area. Make sure your device settings has location updates available as well... Hope this helps, or at least explains a couple of things... Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 175
Reg: Dec 26, 2012
Johannesburg, S...
06/03/15 11:53 AM (9 years ago)
Smug you are the man! I did not enable location updates in the 'core' settings of the app control panel. Doing that instantly solved the problem. Thanks a stack!

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