Discussion Forums  >  Images, Documents, File Locations

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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1008
Reg: Jan 27, 2012
01/16/14 02:01 AM (10 years ago)

Design menu plugin, icon issue

Hi, I have just updated an IOS app and released a new version on the app store. The idea was to amend a few icons from the design menu plugin. So, I made my icons, packaged them in the app, submitted and I wanted to "call" on them once the new version went through. These icons have different names from the previous ones to avoid cache issues. The problem is that now I change the file name on my control panel (to the new icons), publish the changes but the new icons don't show. Any idea as to why? I have put the new ones as url now but I would like to be able to call on them on the app, I know they are there! Cheers, Farcat
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
01/16/14 02:16 AM (10 years ago)
If they are in the bundle, you should be able to call them from the control panel. If they're there, the only thing that 'should' stop you would be syntax. Otherwise, it should work. Check your project again to ensure they're where they're supposed to be, and were copied into the project and not just referenced. In your app properties, if you make your way to "Build Phases" and look down to where it shows 'Copy Bundle Resources', If they don't show up there, they weren't included in the binary. Cheers! -- Smug
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1008
Reg: Jan 27, 2012
01/16/14 02:28 AM (10 years ago)
Thanks @Smug, They are definitely in my BT_images folder and are also showing in "Copy Bundle Resources". The new files are also in the Files/Media folder of my control panel and the syntax is good. While testing I briefly changed the icons on the control panel and it was working on the simulator. I was so sure it would work, it should in theory. I will probably have to submit a new binary. Is there a way to submit the new binary to Apple (pointing to the new files) without amending the live version that users see? What I don't want is have the app without icons whilst it is being approved. Farcat

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