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Replies: 2    Views: 198

Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
Posts: 1685
Reg: May 13, 2011
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07/25/13 11:54 AM (10 years ago)

Crucial Bug in Mavericks DP 4

Hi All, Over the past 24 hours, I have been trying to update my test computer to Mavericks Developer Preview 4. All Developer Previews work fine, except DP4 does not boot. Here is the bug: -The computer never boots successfully, it just UIActivity Spins with the white apple, then freezes, and starts spinning again, then freezes, and continues until I hold the power button down. Has anyone else experienced this same issue when upgrading to DP4? Jake
Code is Art
Posts: 1094
Reg: Sep 23, 2011
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07/25/13 12:00 PM (10 years ago)
Thus why I wait...yikes Jake
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2050
Reg: Nov 03, 2011
07/25/13 02:26 PM (10 years ago)
Although I love developer previews, I never download them on my main device. I discovered why I always did that when I downloaded iOS7 on my main iPhone 4S. So now I've got a really bugged out iPhone 4S, which I use for normal day-to-day life, but I won't install Mavericks on my mac, because as you say, it could bug it up. Especially since my mac is used by three different people in the family, it would really make them annoyed. Although, I can't wait for the release! When it comes to OS XI, I hope they really radically change the UI, to maybe a flatter design like iOS 7.

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