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I hate code!
Posts: 10
Reg: Jun 17, 2012
08/24/12 07:38 AM (11 years ago)

Plugins that I want to buy now

By now I guess all you guys are very busy working on plugins... so here I have few project plugin ideas that I would buy from you if you help me with. The plugin's names very well describe what they do. Lets say you have an application that you want it to run in the background only. The "forcetoruninbackgnd" plugin will do this for you. Any special action that you want after pushing the home button, for example, three time in the sequence, or hold it down for a period of time (anything that wouldn't break the device or malfunctioning... hehe) and then define a specific action that will do after the "specialhomebutton" is "pressed". The volume control button does very similar functionality, when you have more than one special control function in the same app that requires these special control buttons to turn on specific actions. Then "specialvolumebutton" is another plugin, I want to use; by pushing the volume up/down four times, for example. (This could be configurable in the code.) The "droppedmymobile" plugin uses, for example, the built-in accelerometer to detect if I dropped my mobile phone, and then a specific action will be called; i.e., would be the air bag thing we have inside cars... but there are many other uses for this. Please, let me know if you can help me with these plugins; agree in a price for each one, and I will provide you with specific details for them. Cheers!
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
08/24/12 07:58 AM (11 years ago)
I like this thread A LOT ;) We probably need a 'request' thread and that would be a gold mine for folks to think of new ideas. Some of these sound do-able but need more specifics. and for sure it helps if people specify IOS or Android. This kind of 'functionality' gets very specific per device.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 10
Reg: Sep 12, 2011
Scottsdale, Ari...
08/26/12 03:14 PM (11 years ago)
I would like to suggest that someone make a plug-in that allows for GPS location specific coupons to be used. That way, apps could be marketed to restaurants that want to provide their customers with coupons (kinda like the coupon punch cards places provide to get their customers to come back, IE: come to establishment on ten separate occasions, and receive a free taco on the 11th visit). Maybe something like that.
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
08/27/12 06:33 AM (11 years ago)
^^ good ideas but really no need for BT users to bother- Parse has something called GeoPoint and Appoxee has something similar called Segment/target. Odds of someone here making a plugin that is capable of what those services can do are pretty slim. I'd opt to integrate one of those FREE services into my app before gong down the path of tryingto make a BT plug-in. Check those out, I'm playing around with them myself trying to decide how to use them in apps. So far only the PN from Parse but I'm studying that PFQuery stuff a lot lately. Really like Appoxee but have yet to integrate it.

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