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Aspiring developer
Posts: 23
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
Christchurch, N...
01/20/12 12:51 AM (12 years ago)

BT 1.5 - Login Screen with Tabs not working

Hi Guys, When adding a login screen to a tabbed interface, then enabling Require Login on a few tabs, instead of saying Login Required it just lets me into the tab without reminding me to login. But, when I create a Menu based interface, it asks me to log in. If anyone could help it would be great! Thanks, Michael Griffin
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
01/20/12 01:05 AM (12 years ago)
You cannot set a home-screen for a tab to be 'login protected.' The process only checks whether a user is logged in when they tap a button or a menu item. This means that if you do want a tab to be not-available until they login, you'll need to create a simple menu for each tab that leads to a login protected screen. It works this way because iOS MUST load a full and complete screen / view controller when the tabs are created ;-)
Android Fan
Posts: 52
Reg: Jan 19, 2012
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01/20/12 08:01 AM (12 years ago)
I am still confused by this answer. You say - if you do want a tab to be not-available until they login, you'll need to create a simple menu for each tab that leads to a login protected screen. I understand that I can make a menu on this tab passworded, which can lead to a secure area.... but soon as someone clicks on the tab I would like them to log in, not waste coding on one extra step (and preliminary menu click)... Android OS

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