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Aspiring developer
Posts: 364
Reg: Sep 20, 2012
10/28/13 04:21 AM (10 years ago)

@Otatech is the man!

https://copy.com/H0Qjkv0TVPbK Had a great meet up with @Otatech in Rome yesterday. Here we are, having a coffee at a bar last night after my son’s orchestra played in a local theatre. Great to meet him! He’s a fountain of knowledge on all things Buzztouch, in particular the plugins (he has them all and is a big fan of @PSM Danny) and is also an avid web developer too. All hobbies that keep him busy in his retirement. @Otatech showed me some of his very impressive travel apps that he developed as a BT self hosted member - wonderful design and graphics. He also gave me some useful insight into how he gets business developing apps for other people. So folks, if you’re ever passing through Rome, look up @Otatech. While English is not his first language, you can always speak the international language of Buzztouch - he speaks it fluently ;-) Cool guy.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
10/28/13 05:12 AM (10 years ago)
Molto Bene! :) Cheers! -- Smug
Code is Art
Posts: 1094
Reg: Sep 23, 2011
location unknow...
10/28/13 08:01 AM (10 years ago)
How wonderful! Take the torch and run! So excited to see you connecting to the peeps. Make a world of difference to get someone in your area! Wish someone in the cold NW would do the same. .....hint hint Eastern Washingtonians? Now I am gonna have to find out this mysterious Otatech is! So many folks on here it's great that you are out there bringing up front! Now we are all curious on the creations he has up his sleeve. Glad to see both of your beautiful smiles! Sheri
Aspiring developer
Posts: 364
Reg: Sep 20, 2012
10/29/13 02:20 AM (10 years ago)
It’s that whole unknown world of self-hosted, isn’t it… how many hundreds, thousands of apps are there out there that we don’t know about, not to mention the folks that don’t engage much on the forum because English is not their first language that we don’t get to know as well as we might like… it’s the dark side of the moon!

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