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Aspiring developer
Posts: 227
Reg: Oct 30, 2011
09/26/12 05:04 AM (11 years ago)

Routing app coverage file

My one of the app says "routing app coverage file" under the large app Icon. I have never seen this message as before. Also this app is "in Review" Since sep 10. It usually does not take this long for apple to approve. Why apple says "routing app coverage file"? We do any resolution for this alert?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 5
Reg: Aug 07, 2012
09/28/12 12:11 AM (11 years ago)
Just submitted an update on one of my apps and get an error message 'Missing routing app coverage file: You must upload a routing app coverage file in iTunes Connect if you register as a routing app.' as well as 'Missing MKDirectionsApplicationSupportedModes value: You must provide a valid entry in the MKDirectionsApplicationSupportedModes Info.plist key to register as a routing app.' I call the maps function in my app - but has been acting wonky in the simulator - going to the google maps rather than Apple. I'm presuming there are now extra requirements for submitting apps but it may be out of whack with the way ios6 has been introduced. Anybody have ideas? Al
Aspiring developer
Posts: 5
Reg: Aug 07, 2012
09/28/12 04:21 PM (11 years ago)
From iTC under version - edit details we have: "Routing app coverage files are .geojson files which specify the geographic regions supported by your app. The file can have only one MultiPolygon element. MultiPolygon elements consist of at least one Polygon. Polygons contain at least four coordinate points. Polygon start and end coordinate points must be the same." There is now a set of instructions called "Providing directions" under apple developer section - so what was simple and straightforward under ios5 is now an additional level of complexity under ios6. more investigation needed to see how to work this........
Aspiring developer
Posts: 5
Reg: Aug 07, 2012
09/28/12 04:55 PM (11 years ago)
ok - found it - in xcode had inadvertently ticked a box at bottom of summary page under Maps Integration which reads Directions - accept transit routing requests. unticked and worked fine

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