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Reg: Apr 09, 2012
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08/22/12 09:48 AM (11 years ago)

Integrating third party SDKs (specifically Madvertise and other ad networks)

Hello to the BT community, I've had a good old scout around (including contacting the developers of the SDK in question) but I'm still not having much joy on the basics of my question. Which is... How do I go about installing third party SDKs (specifically advertising ones) into my Xcode / BT project? I'm developing solely for iPhone and, in Europe, we have some higher paying ad networks than iAD. I'm keen to integrate Madvertise's efforts as they're big in Germany and Turkey (two markets I'm keen to tap into). Ideally, I'd integrate both (using adwhirl or similar) but for now, I'd be happy to just get one other ad network functioning in my apps. I can get the SDK from github, but then what do I do with it?! Apologies in advance if I'm missing some knowledge on this.

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