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Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
Posts: 1685
Reg: May 13, 2011
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08/20/12 11:23 AM (11 years ago)

Upload to Buzztouch.com Control Panel?

Hi All, With the new plugin market, will we be able to upload plugins to our control panels on Buzztouch.com? Thanks, Jake
Mr stuck
Android Fan
Posts: 974
Reg: Apr 09, 2012
Fife, Scotland
08/20/12 11:41 AM (11 years ago)
from what I read YES this is the whole reason behind this happening. can't wait for it to launch
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
location unknow...
08/20/12 11:54 AM (11 years ago)
Yes, sort of. If you create the plugin you can upload it. If your seeking to use a third party plugin you probably should encourage them to upload it. If they're unwilling or unable to you could modify the plugin and submit it on your own to the upcoming "Plugin Store". Plugins you submit must be approved by Buzztouch and you'll be able to make them private or public. If you wish to use a plugin you don't wish to (due to many reasons including time &/or complexity) or can't submit to Buzztouch.com you will be able to use a plugin which I've created and will submit called My Cool Plugin. My plugin called My Cool Plugin will allow you to use 3rd Party Plugins in your source code without getting Buzztouch's approval. This will be possible because the plugin files you download will have been "approved" but they won't do anything. You'll replace the .h & .m files (iOS) and/or the .java & .xml files with your own files in the source code. Your "new" files will not be on Buzztouch.com, hence don't/won't need approval. You can currently use third party plugin in Buzztouch.com apps by adding the files to your source code, but without editing the Config file you can't hook the files to the app. You can accomplish same by creating your own "My Cool Plugin #?" (Requires Buzztouch's approval) or using the "Blank Screen Plugin". Using the Blank Screen plugin will hook your files to the Config file but can be used only once per app. Fred
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
08/20/12 12:05 PM (11 years ago)
Yup...@Fred has it right. The uploaded process and the buzztouch Plugin Developer Terms of Use will be available just before midnight tonight (Monday here, PST timezone). The Plugin Market will be available on Sept. 1, 2012. This will give us and you a bit of time to iron out some guaranteed review process gotchas (on our end) that we didn't anticipate :-) Basically, it's... If you want to create a plugin and add it to your control panel, but NOT share or sell it in the market, expect a very simple "review" process. In these cases it will be mostly about making sure you /index.php file and whatever else you've added to the plugin package doesn't do anything harmful to our backend. If you want to create a plugin, then share or sell it in the Plugin Market, the first step will be the same (approved for your control panel) then you'll be "sharing in market" in which case we'll re-evaluate the plugins contents to make a determination about whether it's a good fit for the market.

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