Apple Fan
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Reg: Jun 19, 2011
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04/11/14 07:37 AM (10 years ago)

Heartbleed - are we at risk?

Hello, I'm on a team at my workplace to sort of block and tackle the heart bleed bug ( We're looking at our products and services and figuring out if and what we need to patch. Question about Buzztouch, probably really more for the administrators because I know our accounts are encrypted: are we vulnerable? Do we need to take any steps (e.g., change our password, etc.)? I read that Apple stated earlier this week that they're not affected. Not sure about Android...
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
04/11/14 08:06 AM (10 years ago)
Most sites are listed as "Was vulnerable" - even Apple. Check this out: Buzztouch is included in that, but is also noted as being safe right now. You can check on the current status of any site at:
Code is Art
Posts: 435
Reg: Oct 18, 2011
04/11/14 10:10 PM (10 years ago)
Apple did release a statement saying that they didn't use the versions of OpenSSL (what sort of "powers" HTTPS) that were vulnerable. So Apple is 100% secure. Google WAS using some of the versions of OpenSSL that were effected. (so change your google account passwords & change any that you've reused it with). So the only sure way to know is to know which version of OpenSSL is installed on the buzz touch server(s). So only David Book or someone high up in BT could know if BT was/is at risk. -tM

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