Aspiring developer
Posts: 207
Reg: Sep 06, 2011
Los Angeles
05/16/15 03:14 PM (8 years ago)

SRC not coming up in Eclipse

Hey all! So I haven't used the program in a long time, however I need to make some changes to an app I built. It's now telling me I need to use Android Studio, which is a new program I've never used. When I go into eclipse (which is what I've always used) there is no option to open the bt pages from src. I need to rename my package so that I can update it properly. How can I do this now? Thanks in advance!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
05/17/15 05:58 AM (8 years ago)
Hi @MM2000, Don't rename because if it's already in the store, you might run into problems updating. Did you try to just go into the folders you downloaded from bt without opening Eclipse? LA
Aspiring developer
Posts: 207
Reg: Sep 06, 2011
Los Angeles
05/18/15 10:04 AM (8 years ago)
That's the thing, I'm trying to update from BT V1.4 to the newest version of BT (I had to create a whole new app...). I've done this many times before in Eclipse (refactor). Best, Mike

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