Discussion Forums  >  Capturing Images, Uploading Data

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Android Fan
Posts: 17
Reg: Feb 19, 2013
The Esplanade S...
05/27/13 12:02 PM (11 years ago)

Layout Properties, icons (in tabbed layout)

Hi all Q: how can i get the photos or icons to show in layout properties section, and under the tabbed layout, i am trying to get the icons for the tabs to show, anyone knows what format i have to have it in? i have tried png and ico, but nothing is showing yet.... any ideas thanks
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2050
Reg: Nov 03, 2011
05/27/13 01:16 PM (11 years ago)
They have to be PNGs, but the transparency is what makes the images, otherwise they'll look like a white box.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
05/27/13 01:33 PM (11 years ago)
Tab Icons are a bit different than the usual icons. I had a *heck* of a time figuring them out. There are issues with color 'channels' and things like that. This tutorial got me through the mist... http://greenerpastures.dk/blog/iphone-udvikling/how-to-make-tab-bar-icons I've been trying to figure out how to do it with 'Pixelmator' which is far less expensive than Photoshop, but so far I haven't... Cheers! -- Smug
Android Fan
Posts: 17
Reg: Feb 19, 2013
The Esplanade S...
05/27/13 10:47 PM (11 years ago)
ok thanks everyone... i got it working but all i had to do is get the png into the image folder.... and then move the image folder to Xcode that way it can read it... works great now... about pixelmator , i would rather use photoshop... but if you cant try gimp, it is also free and all you have to do is save the png without background.... it should work for you then... good luck, thanks and keep at it....

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