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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 193
Reg: May 22, 2011
09/11/11 03:02 PM (12 years ago)

XML Body question

Hi, I'm trying to build an XML file that I want to use with the RSS feature of BT. Below is the XML format that I have now: <RECORD> <id>151</id> <title>Little Big Planet reinventat pe PS Vita</title> <alias>little-big-planet-reinventat-pe-ps-vita</alias> <introtext><p>PS Vita a reinventat Little Big Planet !! Tenhnologia din spatele noii console PS Vita ridica pe un alt nivel acest titlu deja foarte apreciat, putand folosi intreaga gama de control disponibila, incepand cu clasicul set de butoane si continuand cu ambele suprafete touch de pe fata si verso-ul consolei si chiar giroscopul integrat. Toate acestea alaturate unei grafici extraordinare pentru o consola portabila, probabil comparabila cu cea de pe PS3, la nivelul acestui joc, precum si cu inconfundabilul gameplay fac acest titlu unul dintre favoritele mele si cu siguranta unul dintre primele jocuri achizitonate dupa ce voi intra in posesia consolei. Mai jos delectati-va cu un film de prezentare al acestuia:</p></introtext> </RECORD> Now, I managed to: - set the Story XML element to RECORD - set the Title XML element to title So the title and description of each row is present in the feed. What I don't know is how to set the body of the feed. So when clicking on one line, the output should be what is inside <introtext></introtext> block. Could you please help me figure it out? Thanks in advance, Vali
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 193
Reg: May 22, 2011
09/13/11 12:29 AM (12 years ago)
Hi, Is there anybody who could help? This is really a bottle neck that is keeping me from going further. Thanks again, Vali
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 193
Reg: May 22, 2011
09/13/11 01:04 PM (12 years ago)
Hi again. Solved it. It was a syntax error. Now, I have another question. Is the search function from BT able to search through the elements of the RSS feed after a keyword?
Parker @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1395
Reg: May 09, 2011
Pacific Grove, ...
09/13/11 02:16 PM (12 years ago)
Hi Moofa, Would you mind explaining with more detail how you fixed your earlier problem? I think others will find it useful. As for your second question - The search feature doesn't search the content of any screen. It will search titles / screen names. So no, unfortunately the search feature will not search through the elements of your RSS feed.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 193
Reg: May 22, 2011
09/14/11 12:00 AM (12 years ago)
Hi Parker, Actually my goal was to set the link that will open a document stored online. The syntax error was in my XML file because I did not define the <link> parameter correctly. Now every thing is fine. As for the search inside the feed. Is there a way to search it through a custom HTML page? By making a script that would do that? Have a great day, Vali

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