Discussion Forums  >  Crashes, Memory Warnings

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 132
Reg: Dec 27, 2011
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11/22/12 02:19 AM (11 years ago)

Crashing On Older Versions Of iOS

hey guys has anyone experienced their apps crashing on older versions of iOS and have it completely working fine on iOS 6? I'm currently experiencing this right now and the app is in the app store already receiving negative reviews :(
Aspiring developer
Posts: 841
Reg: Nov 03, 2010
Medford, MA
11/22/12 06:13 PM (11 years ago)
I had a problem recently where it kept crashing on first generation iPads even though my target was set to iOS 4.3. What is your target set at? For my last app update I included a xib file with buttons and it turns out I set it to "autolayout" which is only allowed in iOS 6.0 so older devices were crashing. The best bet is probably to get the iOS 4.3 simulator in xcode and run you app in that simulator to see what happens. Good luck!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 132
Reg: Dec 27, 2011
location unknow...
11/26/12 08:11 AM (11 years ago)
thanks for the response mutzy! the deployment target is already set to 4.3 it's weird because my other apps are working completely fine in the older versions. the only difference is i have gamecenter integrated in the app. the ones that have no gamecenter are working completely fine. :/

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