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Replies: 2    Views: 155

Fingers Crossed
Veteran developer
Posts: 234
Reg: Jan 16, 2012
Simcoe, ON
02/01/14 08:43 AM (10 years ago)

App Icons not included in BT3.0 package?

I noticed the app icons aren't being included in the BT3.0 package, should they be? I repackaged as 2.0 and they were there. I did re-add the icon to no avail.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 372
Reg: Feb 15, 2012
02/01/14 10:46 AM (10 years ago)
Hey @Fingers Crossed! App icons should be included within the BT 3.0 package. They will be located under: your app's name folder > images.xcassets > AppIcon.appiconset Hope that helps, fellow Canadian. :) Nicholas
Fingers Crossed
Veteran developer
Posts: 234
Reg: Jan 16, 2012
Simcoe, ON
02/01/14 09:48 PM (10 years ago)
Ah, I do see them there, but the plist was complaining during app validation that the icons were not in the CFBundleIconfiles. Once I copied them into BT_Art, it passed the validation. Merci ;)

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