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Android Fan
Posts: 32
Reg: Jan 05, 2012
Kansas City, MO
02/10/12 03:18 PM (12 years ago)

Android 1.5 device location icon not appearing in maps

I have several location map screens that used to display my device's location in relation to a hard coded lat/lon on the map. The marker for the hard coded location is present, and the map is scaled properly to show both my location and the target, but only the target icon appears. The YOU ARE HERE icon is absent. The 0_bt_youarehere.png icon is in the proper folder. GPS location is turned on in my Core Properties, and my device is set to show my location. Here's the curious part. If I tap the screen at my current location, a YOU ARE HERE pop-up will appear identifying my device, even though the icon is not showing. In other words, the app is sensing my location properly, but not displaying the marker. Pressing the SHOW MY LOCATION button from the menu doesn't help. Anyone have any ideas? I've been through BT_screen_map.java, but can't see anything wrong.
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
location unknow...
02/10/12 03:30 PM (12 years ago)
I don't know if it would be possible to take the info and create a location on the fly. I understand if this is a difficult way but I don't have any ideas. Fred
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
location unknow...
02/10/12 03:52 PM (12 years ago)

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