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Android Fan
Posts: 199
Reg: Jan 10, 2012
Wisconsin, USA
01/19/12 01:08 AM (12 years ago)

BT-Server install - login screen is a blank page

Hello all, I have installed BT-server as described in the installation guide onto a Fedora 15 server setup. I did have to modify the install/index.php file a bit to get it to run correctly. I had to remove all the PHP pre-fill for the SQL information form ( from <?php to ?> ). With those parts removed and information added manually of course, the install seemed to go as planned, it created the tables and continued. The install continues to work up to the point that it says 2) Second, AFTER DOING STEP 1 ABOVE, you need to click this link to see if the login screen looks like you would expect. At that point I click on the link mentioned and all I get is a blank page. It does not act like the install php file did (displaying parts up until the error), it acts more like there is some coding in the file that PHP is not accepting so not executing the script or one of the very first things is does breaks the script and exits. If there are any ideas, please let me know.

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