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Apple Fan
Posts: 4
Reg: Nov 06, 2011
01/20/12 03:48 PM (12 years ago)

How can one show how many questions left in a quiz?

I am trying to figure out a way to show the count of questions remaining for the user to take. Say if I have a pool of 1000 questions I would like to give 100 to the user. Then when showing him the next question I would like it to be displayed 1/100, 2/100 etc. I need to give them in random order so can not include on text or graphic. Thanks for a great cms!
Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
Posts: 1685
Reg: May 13, 2011
location unknow...
03/13/12 10:10 AM (12 years ago)
If you are using a Quiz Screen in 1.5, then you can go into the Advanced Options and set the randomization, and things like that. I hope this helps. Jake

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