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Aspiring developer
Posts: 808
Reg: Dec 24, 2011
great neck
01/19/12 10:23 AM (12 years ago)

bundle id suffix

Don't understand this. Itunes connect gave me a bundle id, which is myappname -* Then it asks for the id suffix. Read the help file by GoNortWest but still dont' understand what to put in here. Im looking at the plist but dont see anything that says bundle id suffix. What should I put here? Thanks
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
01/19/12 12:32 PM (12 years ago)
Hi Steve, When you created your certificates, you should have created a bundle ID (or multiple ones). Mine is a wildcard one, so that I can use it for multiple apps. When you create your app in iTunes Connect, you select the one that you want to use. When you create your app in Xcode, you basically specify com.<company>.<myappname>. As long as the myappnames match, I believe you should be OK. Took me a while to get my head wrapped around this, and it's still not completely clear to me. Hopefully this helps get you going. Mark
Apple Fan
Posts: 83
Reg: Jan 07, 2012
Suttons Bay, Mi...
01/19/12 05:19 PM (12 years ago)
Hi Steve - Encountered a similar situation a few days ago. I found this information very helpful via Apple Developers. It was a bundle issue which was preventing my app from validating. http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CoreFoundationKeys.html Additionally, (I stopped trying to bookmark and copy all the helpful information) do a search on Google for the various components to the Bundle requirements. Found an incredibly helpful blog post from someone - and am so glad I read it which basically explained the Bundling information as required by Apple is counter intuitive. Cheryl

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