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Lost but trying
Posts: 73
Reg: Jun 13, 2011
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01/20/14 10:32 AM (10 years ago)

BT_act_controller.java on BT V3.0

Hey guys! I migrated my app from BT V2.0 to BT V3.0 and I need to add some lines to the old BT_act_controller.java but the file is not longer in use in the new version of BT. I need to add these lines: doNotLoadList.add("youtube.com"); doNotLoadList.add("youtu.be"); To fix a problem with youtube videos + customURL plugin. That was how I fixed in BT V2.0. Any ideas where to add them now?
Lost but trying
Posts: 73
Reg: Jun 13, 2011
location unknow...
01/25/14 07:49 AM (10 years ago)

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