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Mad Padge
Aspiring developer
Posts: 61
Reg: Jul 03, 2012
Winston Salem, ...
10/08/12 11:27 AM (11 years ago)

apk package name modification

I have created a very basic application and published it to the android market in the past (example: 'com.someapp.theapp'). I have used Buzztouch to create a new app and buzztouch manifest shows the app name as com.someapp; is there a way to modify the manifest so it matches the appname of the app I am replacing in google play? Here is the error message I receive: "The upgraded apk's package name (com.someapp.) must be the same as the one it is replacing (com.someapp.theapp)."
Mad Padge
Aspiring developer
Posts: 61
Reg: Jul 03, 2012
Winston Salem, ...
10/08/12 01:39 PM (11 years ago)
Disregard, I found out you have to rename the app using android tools -Rename.

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