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Lost but trying
Posts: 71
Reg: Jul 08, 2012
03/05/13 02:59 PM (11 years ago)

How to submit a new version of an app?

This is a pre-emptive rejection query. I have an app on the appstore and found that getting it on there was harder than making it (just because the certifications and whatnot are confusing as hell!) I would like to update my app with a new and improved version (more features, etc.) What I am wondering is: What do you have to do different when you are submitting a new version as opposed to a new app? (i.e. what does the version number have to be? etc.) How do I make sure they know this is an upgrade to a pre-existing app? Plus any other things I haven't thought to ask ;P Is there a FAQ on this? Sorry, I am an Xcode dumbass.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1853
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
03/05/13 03:31 PM (11 years ago)
Hi, on itunes connect, you go to your app and create a new version. On xcode, you gotta use the same bundle identifier. The rest is the same as uploading a new app. Cheers.
Lost but trying
Posts: 71
Reg: Jul 08, 2012
03/06/13 12:25 AM (11 years ago)
Many thanks MadRod. Now if I can just fix up all the little issues i'm having with beta testing, I should be good to go! :P
Lost but trying
Posts: 37
Reg: Feb 18, 2013
06/09/13 12:26 PM (10 years ago)
I have run into a problem with this- My first app is up and running in Design mode in the App store. So I need to create a version for iOS and one for Android to use plugins for each platform. and put it in Live mode too. I understand about logging into iTunes, and adding a new version. And I know to change the bundle identifier in Xcode for code signing, etc. Because my new iOS version has a different name, can't use the same one, X Code is treating it like a separate new app when it is being archived, and then won't validate it with iTunes. How or where do I change the name? control panel? Xcode? Can I change the name of the first app, add a letter for example to the end - and rename the second one to the first name? Would that work? Thanks for your help.
Lost but trying
Posts: 37
Reg: Feb 18, 2013
06/09/13 02:18 PM (10 years ago)
never mind- I got mine to work. . . I am not sure I did it correctly though. I misspelled the name of the first app, and then renamed the second one correctly. It was able to validate and be uploaded for review as a new version.

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