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Aspiring developer
Posts: 38
Reg: Dec 02, 2012
02/25/13 07:47 PM (11 years ago)

First App Rejected first attempt!

Hey Guys, This is what i got back from apple, We found that your application was not optimized to support the device screen size when installed on iPhone 5. Furthermore , your app did not include iOS features. For example, it would be appropriate to use native iOS buttons and iOS features other than just displaying locations in the Maps app. These examples identify types of issues discovered in your app but may not represent all such issues. It would be appropriate to thoroughly evaluate your app to address these types of issues. Unfortunately, I didn't realise that something doesnt look right with the iPhone 5, must of missed it, but I wasn't 100% sure it would pass as the art work is pretty bad. My questions are firstly, Do i need to use the Google maps SDK for iOS? why can't I just use the maps plugin from david? And secondly I have some pretty good designs for my splash and menu screens, but how do I use certain parts of a picture as a tab/button? does the design a menu plugin do this?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/25/13 07:58 PM (11 years ago)
There are times when the review from Apple is justified, and sometimes the reviewer is having a bad day. Getting an App through Apple can sometimes be a moving target. That said, at bare minimum, you really should have all your screens created specifically for each 'iDevice' you plan to support, which at a minimum will mean the iPhone 3GS, 4/s, and 5. I haven't tried the Google Maps SDK, but I do know that the Map Plugin works great on iOS 5 (while still utilizing Google Maps), not on iOS 6 (with Apple Maps). However, I have an App in the App Store using the Map Plugin for iOS 6. It just doesn't look so good compared to any other device. I also have an App that was recently rejected due to it's 'simplicity', so I understand your desire to take an iPhone 5 and shove it up a reviewers... umm, never mind. It needs to have some 'wow' before it will impress them enough. What does it take to 'wow'? Apple says 'they'll know it when they see it'. Good luck on your second round, man. Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 38
Reg: Dec 02, 2012
02/25/13 08:01 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks smug, your not wrong about the bad day part, this is just the beginning of things to happen today lol. I think I'm going to go through it again piece by piece, change the artwork and see how i go keeping the maps. hopefully better than this

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