Aspiring developer
Posts: 19
Reg: Nov 20, 2011
Rainham, Kent, ...
09/18/13 05:50 AM (10 years ago)

What is the maximum number of users that can be added to an App?

Just looking into using the BT account for the Login Screen section - and will add new Users (with their emails and passwords) but wondered if "per App" there is a maximum? I dont currently use authentication from a website using php script. Thanks David
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
09/18/13 06:04 AM (10 years ago)
Do you have a target in mind, or are you just curious? I did a quick snoop, and didn't notice any hard 'limits', so I suspect it depends on your server space and resources. If you're on a garden variety host then you should be able to handle a few hundred to a couple thousand users with no problem. Probably more. But if you think you'll be adding a few hundred thousand, you may want to consult David or someone who has an intimate knowledge of software limitation, if any. Otherwise, server hard disk space (for the database) and lots of RAM (for things in memory) is really your only bottleneck. Cheers! -- Smug Edit: just musing over it a little more, it would seem that you shouldn't be concerned with 'how many users' so much as 'how many simultaneous users'. The user database is really only that; a database. They log in, the database does a quick search to see if it's valid, and that's about it. However, if 1500 people do this at the same time, THAT is where you'll find a performance hit. And that will depend on your server hardware more than anything. Lots of Ram, speedy hard drives, powerful CPU. That sort of thing.
Code is Art
Posts: 500
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
In your local b...
09/18/13 01:57 PM (10 years ago)
Smug, I love how complete your answers are! Double thumbs up!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 19
Reg: Nov 20, 2011
Rainham, Kent, ...
09/19/13 05:42 AM (10 years ago)
Many thanks for the comments SmugWimp and CakeBit, which are very helpful. David

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