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Lost but trying
Posts: 98
Reg: Mar 06, 2014
02/25/17 05:43 AM (7 years ago)

help using Html/text plugin

Please, can anyone explain me how to use html/text plugin?Is there any tutorial? I need to add screens to my app where I can put some texts and images.I have this texts in Power Point/MS Word files. I use blank screens to do this, saving the slides of my Power Point job into .png images and using those images as background in blank screen plugin, but my app crash. Maybe this metod is nod good idea.So i want try using html/text plugin. Thanks a lot in advance.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 175
Reg: Dec 26, 2012
Johannesburg, S...
02/27/17 08:37 AM (7 years ago)
You can use the Powerpoint Doc or Word Doc plugins. They are Buzztouch Plugins so are automatically included in the download of you project. You must create a screen for each powerpoint doc that you have. Download the powerpoint doc to File folder of your app and reference it in the screen. Instructions are easy to follow.
Lost but trying
Posts: 98
Reg: Mar 06, 2014
03/02/17 01:52 PM (7 years ago)
Thanks!, but i´m not trying to open entire docs, only the images from slides. Now i learn to put the images from slides on html plugin: <img src=" https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/uvk4w2uq6tuhsb4/dosisacenoalto.PNG?dl=0" width="720" /></p> Now I have my images on the screens...but the image do not fits to phone screen, is too big, and need to zoom- 3 times to adjust to screen... any idea to entire images adjust to screen? Agu

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