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I hate code!
Posts: 9
Reg: Nov 04, 2010
North Carolina
11/04/10 07:40 PM (13 years ago)

Trouble with Yelp

I'm trying to follow the instructions on the Custom URL page for Yelp integration but all I saw once I selected Custom URL is this: NO, Do not append any device variables YES, append device variables --> sample Menu Text About us, our webpage, etc. Screen Title About us, our webpage, etc. URL (webpage) to load http://www.yoursite.com/myMobilePage.html Note: We have temporarily disabled the Append Device Variables option and the Append Custom URL Parameters option for this screen. If this is something you need to take advantage of, please contact us. We do plan to re-implement it in the very near future. If you don't understand what this means, ignore this message. Model, Lat/Long, Unique Id I want only Yelp information for Restaurants + Bars within the Triangle, NC area. By the way, so far the app creation process ROCKS. A non-techie like me got everything I wanted, without pulling my hair out. But compiling the app scares me a bit. We'll see how that goes! Thanks for creating something truly empowering and useful. Hats off to you!
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
11/04/10 10:42 PM (13 years ago)
Thanks for the kind words. And, bye the way, we are in Monterey but I'm traveling today through Charlotte - awesome! So, this URL seems to be what you want: http://mobile.yelp.com/search?find_desc=bars&find_loc=Triangle%2C+NC&find_submit=Search The trick for Yelp is to find the MOBILE version of the site, filter it to what you want, then copy the URL in the address bar. The URL above is bars in Triangle area. I started by visiting m.yelp.com (notice the M in the URL for mobile). I did this on an iPhone and Android. Next, I entered Triangle NC in the search box. When I clicked Search, it showed me the results. I could then paste this URL in a buzztouch CustomURL screen for neat Bars in Triangle. Experiment a bit with other searches.... it should do what you want? Cheers.
I hate code!
Posts: 9
Reg: Nov 04, 2010
North Carolina
11/05/10 11:23 AM (13 years ago)
Aspiring developer
Posts: 158
Reg: Apr 12, 2013
Altadena, CA
04/12/13 06:17 PM (11 years ago)
Hi, Is it possible to just pull the Yelp reviews? If so, how would this be done? Thanks!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 158
Reg: Apr 12, 2013
Altadena, CA
04/12/13 06:19 PM (11 years ago)
Guess I should clarify... I'm building an app for a restaurant and would like to pull in their reviews from their Yelp page. Thanks

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