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Replies: 4    Views: 241

Hamza choudhary
Aspiring developer
Posts: 35
Reg: Dec 03, 2013
02/14/14 04:40 AM (10 years ago)

Why only buzztouch 3.0?

hii all, I was developing an android app and was using buzztouch v 1.5 so that users with lower android versions can also use my app. Now I resumed my work after almost 20 day and founded that there in only v 3.0 available i.e only users with android 4.0 and above can use my app. i want to know is there any way to download my app so that it can be used in lower versions as well. Before there were two options to download project , now its only one? Thanks , Hamza
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/14/14 09:04 AM (10 years ago)
Hi Hamza, Buzztouch v3.0 represents the latest and greatest code provided by Buzztouch. It addresses many of the new features of iOS 7 and the latest Android levels and frameworks. You will be allowed to run your app on many older levels of both iOS and Android, so you shouldn't have too much concern there. Of course, not every level will be available, but enough that you can satisfy over 95% of your potential users. That's pretty much standard as things progress. Buzztouch v1.5 hasn't been available for quite some time, and it's only recently that v2.0 was pulled. For Android, it's not true that only Android 4.0 users and above can use your app. The manifest says that the minimum SDK required is Android 11, which means that users running Honeycomb or newer can run your app. Hope this helps a bit! A lot of this is forced on Buzztouch by Apple and Android, because they keep moving forward, and expect everybody else to as well. While 20% of users are still running Gingerbread, they really shouldn't be, as it is super old! Same deal with some of the older iOS versions. Mark
Hamza choudhary
Aspiring developer
Posts: 35
Reg: Dec 03, 2013
02/15/14 01:15 AM (10 years ago)
hii, Thanks Mark ,your reply is really helpful , but the problem is ,i have used more than 100 html doc plugin , and in buzztouch v 3.0 ,it shows a button and an icon to open the doc in the html viewer of the phone ,whereas in v 1.5 it was viewing the doc in the app itself. So is there any way to do the same in v 3.0? i know it doesn't matter much but viewing the doc in app itself is more preferable . Thanks again, Hamza
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
02/15/14 10:06 PM (10 years ago)
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1
Reg: Sep 23, 2013
02/18/14 02:07 AM (10 years ago)
Ok, so I have to change all my htmldoc pages to this plugin now?

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